Big Magic

I just finished reading the book “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

It was a great, quick read that had some really powerful statements about setting the fear aside and just going for what you want.

I believe every single person has a gift to share with the world and Elizabeth discusses how we must be able to set aside the FEAR and create what is within us.

big magic book review + joy in jacksons journey

I first read “Eat, Pray, Love” from Elizabeth Gilbert and truth be told, I didn’t love it.

I’m more obsessed with the Brene Brown & Glennon Doyle Melton authors, but I thought I would give this book a shot. It was getting great reviews and lots of buzz.

I am glad I picked it up, because it had some great advice…..

“You will never be able to create anything interesting out of your life if you don’t believe that you’re entitled to at least try.”
big magic book review + joy in jacksons journey big magic book review + joy in jacksons journey

“Believing that you are allowed to be here, and that- merely by being here- you are allowed to have a voice and a vision of your own.”

big magic book review + joy in jacksons journey

and my very favorite quote from the WHOLE BOOK:

Go be whomever you want to be, then.

Do whatever you want to do. 

Pursue whatever fascinates you and brings you to life. 

Create whatever you want to create- and let it be stupendously imperfect, because it’s exceedingly likely that nobody will even notice. 

And that’s awesome. 

I also REALLY liked her Court Lobster Story…..if you’ve read the book, you will know what I’m talking about.

It’s basically a story where a guy gets invited to a very fancy costume party, so he spends time and money making an elaborate lobster costume, only to get to the party and realize it was a themed party and his costume completely didn’t fit in.

Instead of being embarrased and “red faced” (haha.. .sorry, I had to!) he decides to tell people he’s the Court Lobster and then has a roaring good time making friends and talking with people.

big magic book review + joy in jacksons journey

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