Jackson’s 12th Birthday

Just kidding…that would be illegal!

My dear sweet boy just turned 12.

And with every fiber of my being I cannot express what this age, more than any of his other birthdays, has made me feel like. See I’m the Mom who posts the “Happy Birthday” on social media at midnight the day of.  But this year, I just couldn’t. It’s been 5 days since I have been wondering why I just couldn’t get myself to do it. And then I figured it out.    


Friday was an ordinary day, but it was also an absolute milestone of a day.

 I was feeling the complete and utter excitement that although Jackson is affected with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, for the most part he is doing well and is still able to walk and is healthy.

 It was also the lump in my throat and the pit in my stomach of the realization that he is getting older. It felt like a hit to the stomach, you know the kind… where you get the wind knocked out of you. It was the worry that with each passing year he is nearing the age that so many DMD boys lose their battle.

It was the reminder that due to various difficulties we are unable to have full baseline data on the condition of his heart. It’s the fear of this Covid-19 pandemic causing him respiratory issues. See, for DMD boys, cardiac and pulmonary issues are what takes them down. It’s the realization that this past year DMD has really reared its ugly head. It has caused many changes within Jackson.  We are noticing his facial features exhibiting Cushing’s Syndrome (from chronic steroid use), a stop in his growth, and severe concerns about his bone health with the recent news of his osteoporosis. It’s hearing his doctor say that is he takes a fall, he may never walk again. It’s driving across state lines to pick out and order a handicap accessible van. It’s re-designing a home so that he has a space that’s completely wheelchair friendly so he feel’s safe and secure. It’s so many things when you have a child with DMD.

And then it was the beautiful smile on his face when he woke up to see a house decorated by his little brother with balloons everywhere. It was the joy of him and I building a cake together to see JUST HOW TALL  we could make it before it collapsed (we got to 6 layers), it was making his favorite meal of stuffed shells together, it was the excitement of him opening his presents to reveal dinosaurs, platypus’, pokemons, and board games. It was him cheering that he even got some cash. It was the combination of a brutal and beautiful day…….Brutiful.

And then he came over and gave me a hug and said “Thank you Mom for making my birthday so special” and that was all it took. My heart just about burst with love. Because although I feel all those other feelings, the greatest of them all is LOVE.

Happy 12th birthday to my beautiful boy.

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